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Lacking Sound Festival 100

event, posters

Lacking Sound Festival, aka LSF, the most genuine sound art performance in Taiwan, has arrange sound art performance monthly since 2007 ’til now. LSF is considered the sound art festival with largest number of performances and artists.

A sphere pendulum can cause a serials of speed crushes and looping frequency.We use this conflict image as the creativity extension from logo design to other visual designs, arrange the visual effect that looks like everything is in order but meanwhile against with each others.

失聲祭 Lacking Sound Festival (簡稱LSF) 為台北常態性的聲音表演活動,自2007年7月開始,一場兩組藝術家演出,每月一場,至今不曾間斷,為臺灣目前場次最多、參與藝術家最多的聲音演出活動。

在球體鐘擺的情境之下,產生一連串的失速衝撞和規則頻率的運動。我們將這份衝突感從 Logo 延伸至海報等應用物,編排出失控卻又隱含規則的視覺效果。

T Event, Posters   Y 2015   AD Chen Huang Chian   TY&ART Chen Huang Chian   Flyer Design Chen Huang Chian   Poster Design Yu Chien Lin   Logo Design Chi Tai Lin   C Lacking Sound Festival

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