A SCENT is positioned as an innovative and bold lifestyle brand covers three major series of essential oils, organic care (Skincare) and Fragrance. Using material made by Taiwan's supplier who has forty years of experience, they are the only fragrance brand that marks the main components of essential oils on the package. Allen, the founder of A SCENT, has been in touch with skin care since he was 12, through years of experience and faith in popularizing life aesthetics, he launched A SCENT, the brand of essential oil.
To take the brand image to be connected to the local culture, we took house structure and architectural totem of the traditional house in Taiwan as samples, integrate the image of the roof into the symbol and draw the exclusive pattern from the window and floor totem for every flavor of essential oil. We also applied the logo to the shape of the stone diffuser.
In the packaging design, we emphasize the brand vision of pure natural, simple and surprising. The outer box is in a black and white simple form while the inner part is arranged with visual patterns. Through the process of opening the box, a surprise experience would come after seeing the inner pattern connected with the bottle of essential oil.
A SCENT 品牌定位為創新、大膽的生活選品,產品涵蓋天然精油 (Essential Oil)、有機保養 (Skincare)、居家香氛 (Fragrance) 三大系列,原料起用台灣四十年經驗的供應商,也是目前唯一在外包裝上標示精油主要成分的香氛品牌。創辦人 Allen 從 12 歲便開始接觸保養品,通過長年累積日常保養和居家香氛美學經驗,抱持著推廣生活美學的使命感催生出 A SCENT Essential Oil 香氛品牌。
A SCENT 期望品牌形象和在地文化連結,因此我們取樣各式老屋結構、建築圖騰及建材特色元素,將台式屋脊的意象融入標誌 (Symbol),並為不同風味的精油繪製專屬圖騰 (Pattern),同時也將標誌應用至擴香石造型。
為強調純天然、簡單又富有驚喜感的品牌訴求,我們以無色彩簡約的形式編排 10ml 精油包裝外盒,將視覺圖樣安排於內裏,通過展開一體成型的外盒,讓內裏的圖騰映照精油瓶身,給予使用者小小的驚喜體驗。
T Branding, Packaging Y 2018 CD Yu Chien Lin AD Chi Tai Lin D Yu Chien Lin, Wun Siang Huang PM Yu Chien Lin P Wei Yang Print Plan Agent PH Wun Siang Huang C A SCENT
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