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Uni Coffee Roastery   


The coffee brand Uni Coffee Roastery is originated in Yokohama, Japan. Based on the brand's spirit, "Pay It Forward" and through the coffee making, they hope to bring everyone happiness and gratitude in life. Uni Coffee Roastery focused on the uniqueness of the coffee flavor and the quality of the coffee bean. By selecting coffee beans from Shan Highlands in Myanmar, it pushes the transformation of local agriculture. It also makes a significant contribution to local fair trade and economics.

To rebuild the brand images and storytelling, we created a Key Vision to connect with the existing brand logo. Furthermore, since coffee making is an essential factor of the brand, we make a storyline to show the creation process of a cup of coffee. From beans origins, Myanmar, roasting, grinding, to the brewing back in the coffee shop in Japan. Showing each scene throughout the visual storytelling creates a strong visualization for the consistent coffee production process of Uni Coffee Roastery.

During the application system design and planning for this project, we divided the Key Vision storyline into segments and applied it to branding objects. We hoped to allow the consumers to recognize and remember the brand images learning from different parts of the coffee-making process. Also, pass the important brand message "For the people, For the World" to consumers after they experience the coffee from Uni Coffee Roastery.

起源於日本橫濱的 Uni Coffee Roastery,以品牌精神 ”Pay it Forward“ 為出發,通過用心的咖啡傳遞人與人之間的善意,將生活中的歡笑和感謝的心意分享給大眾。重視咖啡品質和獨特風味的 Uni Coffee Roastery,特別選用緬甸撣邦高地產出的咖啡豆,同時也致力於扶植培育產地、促進當地農業轉型,為緬甸的公平貿易與健全經濟做出貢獻。

為達到形象優化與傳達品牌故事目的,在概念發想階段需要考量與現有識別的搭配運用,規劃專屬於品牌的 “Key Vision” 串連識別與週邊應用系統,運用分鏡式的視覺敘事描述一杯咖啡的誕生過程:緬甸撣邦的咖啡豆培育、栽種、挑選;日本橫濱的烘焙、研磨、沖煮。漫畫般的趣味表現分別帶出緬甸農業的在地風情和日本職人的咖啡沖煮情境,展示出 Uni Coffee Roastery 建立一貫化作業流程的決心和產業合作的精神體現。

在應用系統設計規劃,我們將 Key Vision 片段式拆解導入運用,期望讓消費者在不同情境和需求中理解視覺意圖,漸進的累積識別印象和品牌認同感,將品牌理念 ”For the People, For the World“ 透過使用者體驗與受眾緊密連結。

T Branding   Y 2020   CD Yu Chien Lin   AD Chi Tai Lin   D Wei Yun Kan, Allison Hsiao, Yu Chien Lin   PM Yu Chien Lin   P Wei Yang Print Plan Agent   PH sachie, Juri, moto aki (Image) / Guan Cheng Zhu (Identity)  C Uni Coffee Roastery

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