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Yun San Motors
Red Packet Packaging


Yun San Motors is the general agency of Bentley, Aston Martin, and McLaren in Taiwan. Yun San Motors, which has contributed to the luxury car market for many years, is committed to showing each agency brand's uniqueness and spirit. Also, it provides customers with the ultimate products and services. They offer an exclusive showroom for each brand, a private luxury signing room, top-quality after-sales service, and technical support to fulfill customers' needs.

The startup concept of this project is to show Yun San Motors's brand values and spirit of customer service excellence. We started by using the visual language of unrivaled craftsmanship and the feature of high fashion packaging. Then, hoping the customer can relate to the luxury car and received the thankful messages Yun San Motors wants to pass down by unpacking this gift. For the red envelope's design aspect, we captured each brand's characteristics from sampling the visual elements of Bentley's diamond shape hand craftsmanship of leather, Aston Martin's logo pattern, and aerodynamics of McLaren's new car ELVA. Finally, combine the images and print design to showcase the sprites of Yun San Motors.

耕耘豪華汽車市場多年的永三汽車 Yun San Motors,致力於忠實呈現旗下代理品牌的獨特性與品牌精神,為國內層峰客群提供極致產品與服務:整合性打造品牌專屬展示中心、專屬私密賞車與交車室以及全方位的售後服務與技術支援,滿足消費者的各項需求。

基於永三汽車專注服務層峰客群的經營理念,我們以展現精緻工藝與時尚風貌作為包裝核心定位發想概念,通過精裝外盒連結精品的想像傳遞贈與車主的感謝和心意。並在紅包袋視覺設計中導入品牌獨有的特色和象徵:取樣賓利 Bentley 經典的菱格紋手工皮飾特徵、導入奧斯頓.馬丁 Aston Martin 的品牌圖騰 (Pattern)、以麥拉倫 McLaren 年度主打車款 ELVA 的空氣力學特色和形象作為概念基礎發展視覺設計,期望車主通過體驗與品牌獨特的個性感受連結。

T Packaging   Y 2021   AD Yu Chien Lin   D Wei Yun Kan, Allison Hsiao   PM Yu Chien Lin   P Wei Yang Print Plan Agent   PH Huang Jun Tuan (Image) / Guan Cheng Zhu (Packaging)   C Yun San Motors

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