The very first nootropic dietary supplement Taiwan company, egotree began in 2020, which has the highest interest in human consciousness and the science of neuroscience and obsesses about the malleability of the brain, has developed the nootropic made-by nature planet extraction. With the sense of mission to promote the nutrition of the brain, Egotree has dedicated to be the pilot of the brain workers.
The combination of the ego and tree in brand identity, started from the exercise of spherical energy body. By capturing the process of brain, transferring the floating, the bumping, the gathering and dispersing of energy into a symbol, and further extending the concept of the package. Constructing the unique graphics of capsule, one (zone) and two (still), in addition to conveying the abstract experience of the product.
In order to divide the stereotype that marketing of dietary supplement usually emphasis the ingredient and the effect, by using the abstract visual with the warm tones color system to build up the image of the brand, connecting Egotree's brand definition " start from people " and the idea of bring the revolutionary experience to the consumer.
台灣首創促智 (Nootropics) 保健品牌 益果樹 egotree 起源於 2020 年,本著對人類意識與腦神經科學的高度興趣,以及對植物奧秘與大腦可塑性的著迷,開發出天然植物萃取的促智膠囊,帶著推廣腦部營養促進運動的使命感,專注成為腦力工作者們的領航員。
象徵自我意識 (ego) 與智慧 (tree) 結合的品牌意涵,以球型能量體的運動作為識別概念出發,捕捉腦部運動過程的能量流動、碰撞、聚散等狀態轉化為標誌視覺意象,並將概念延伸串聯產品形象包裝,塑造一號膠囊 (心流 zone) 與二號膠囊 (沈浸 still) 的專屬視覺圖形,藉此傳遞產品使用功效的抽象體驗。
為區隔保健食品市場普遍給人強調產品成分和功效的刻板印象,在產品包裝及網站視覺規劃中特意以抽象視覺搭配暖色調的色彩系統塑造品牌形象,連結 egotree 以人本為出發的品牌定位與期望帶給受眾創新體驗的品牌使命。
T Branding, Packaging Y 2021 CD Chi Tai Lin AD Yu Chien Lin D Yu Chien Lin, Chi Tai Lin, Wei Yun Kan, Allison Hsiao PM Yu Chien Lin P Wei Yang Print Plan Agent PH Wei Yun Kan (Packaging) MG Ruopu Li (Logo) C egotree

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